Blogs & Articles

Blog Posts

Who is the Best Leader for the UK?  1/9/22

Type and Conflict series

1. The difference in conflict definition from the Thinking and Feeling perspective

2a. Extraversion – Introversion explores common misunderstandings between these styles.

2b. Judging – Perceiving explores common misunderstandings between these styles

2c. The Functions – typical misperceptions between S and N, and T and F Types

  1. The Potential for conflict from our Opposing Function
  2. The Potential for conflict from our Inferior Function
  3. The Potential for conflict between same Types
  4. The Potential for Conflict from the Perspective of Developmental Stage
  5. Conflict Resolution Styles

Corporate Social Responsibility and Values Based Organisations

BAPT 2019 Conference Review

Does Music Help or Hinder Your Thinking?